♋️ Are you ready for big Cancer energy?

Hi Reader! This week, Venus, the planet of relationships, love, and worthiness, Mercury, the planet of perception, thought, and communication, and the Sun, are all crossing over from Gemini into Cancer. Imagine this: on a sunny Saturday morning, you go to the farmer’s market with friends. It’s packed with people. You stop and talk to a farmer selling sweet turnips, inquiring about how long they’ll be available. You ask a woman who sells tortillas if it’s a family recipe. You have a picnic…

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🫖 [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] step into the Tarot Tea Room 🎴

Hi Reader! Welcome back to the Tarot Tea Room. Before you pull a card, I want you to go within. I want you to explore what is true for you right now, in this moment, today. What feels real in your body? What thoughts are circling in your mind? What emotions are bubbling up for you? What feels the most real for you? What feels weighty? Give yourself a moment to formulate a question from your inner excavation. And then, pull a card by clicking one of the three card backs below. I hope that…

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🫖 Welcome to the Tarot Tea Room 🎴

Hi Reader! Welcome to the Tarot Tea Room. In this cozy, mystical space, the universe serves up the truths you didn’t know you needed. Here, you learn to accept and love yourself. Here, you recognize how capable you are of handling anything life throws your way. This is your sacred place to deeply connect within and to receive messages from your guides. Put your hand on your heart, and let a question surface. Be guided by your thirst for growth, by your unquenchable curiosity, or simply by the…

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Why is this week perfect for big ideas and deep conversation? 🤔

Hi Reader! Welcome to your weekly issue of The Cosmic Classroom, where you’ll get insights about this week’s planetary transits and learn how to use them to live a more awake and authentic life. This week is full of fun astrological events! First, on June 2nd at 12:12 PM MST, Jupiter is trine to Pluto. Seven hours later, Mercury is entering Gemini. And then, on the evening of the 3rd (which is also my birthday), Mercury will be trine to Pluto, and Mercury and Jupiter will be conjunct….

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What will you do with the ✨ big Gemini energy ✨ coming up?

Hi Reader! It’s a Jupiter, Venus, and Gemini week in the cosmos. And it’s going to stay like that for awhile. First, the Sun moved into Gemini on Monday. Then, Jupiter made a conjunction with Venus on the 23rd. 12 hours later, Venus moved into Gemini. And…Jupiter is following Venus into Gemini tomorrow. Here are the dates these three bodies will be in Gemini: Sun: May 20 – June 20 Venus: May 23 – June 17 Jupiter: May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025 So…what does all this mean? Let’s take a few…

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♊️ It’s almost Gemini season!!!

Hi Reader! Gemini season starts on Monday, and a special guest is coming to the party. We say it’s Gemini season or Cancer season, etc. when the sun is in that sign. But a heavy hitter is joining the sun on May 25th, and will be staying in Gemini for the next year. That’s right – Jupiter, the planet of expansion, meaning-making, and hope, will be hanging out in Gemini until next June. Jupiter magnifies each sign and house it’s in, so get ready for a year of amped-up Gemini. This means…

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🦄 Say yes to your inner weirdo this week.

Hi Reader! On Monday at 3:13 AM MDT, the Sun will be conjunct to Uranus, the planet of authenticity and rebellion. Some astrologers call Uranus the Great Disrupter. I call it the weirdo of the planets. Uranus is the planet that shakes things up to facilitate our freedom. It’s the voice inside that says, “I know how most people do things, but that’s not how I want to do them.” And, when Uranus traverses an important part of your birth chart, whether it’s a planet or an angle, events will…

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♉️ The new moon in Taurus 🌑

Hi Reader! Tonight is the new moon in Taurus. Taurus energy is lush, present, and steady. It’s the flowers blooming on your block, opening to the sun each morning and closing their petals in the darkness. Taurus is being open to receiving the gifts of the earth. Your child’s small hand in yours. The beauty of a foggy day where you can’t even see the tops of the trees. The heat of your first sip of coffee in the morning. The new moon is the promise of something new and magical. It’s the…

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Welcome to Pluto Retrograde!

Hi Reader! Yesterday, May 2nd at 11:46 MDT, Pluto, the Great Transformer, went retrograde in Aquarius. And…it’s going to remain retrograde until October 11th, so it’s going to impact us for quite awhile. Unlike Mercury Retrograde, which has more of a direct impact on our communication and technology, Pluto’s retrogrades are connected to deep transformation. Pluto moves reallllly slowly, so personal Pluto transits (i.e. when Pluto hits an important degree or planet in your chart) are already…

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🤔 I’m just not feeling the transits right now

Hi Reader! I hope you’re having a good week. I’m still dealing with the news that my dog Kumba has lymphoma – which involves getting him chemo, researching holistic treatments, and possibly cooking him and his puppy brother home cooked meals from now on. Jorgen (top) and Kumba (bottom) And also, lots of tears and fear. And some hope. I’m trying to deeply appreciate his presence in my life, give him more walks and pets, and make every day count – while knowing that he could decline at any…

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