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Hi Reader!

I hope you’re having a good week. I’m still dealing with the news that my dog Kumba has lymphoma – which involves getting him chemo, researching holistic treatments, and possibly cooking him and his puppy brother home cooked meals from now on.

And also, lots of tears and fear. And some hope. I’m trying to deeply appreciate his presence in my life, give him more walks and pets, and make every day count – while knowing that he could decline at any moment. God, this is hard.

Mercury went direct yesterday. But I’m not feeling all that relieved. I guess there’s forward momentum in Kumba’s treatment – he began chemo yesterday – but I was hoping for some sense of clarity. Tbh, I mostly feel confused and sad.

Which brings me to the topic of this week’s email – why don’t you feel the transits the way they’re described sometimes?

There are lots of reasons why you might read something an astrologer writes about the current astrological weather and go, “Why am I not feeling that?”

Let’s break a few of those down.

1. The transit isn’t hitting your birth chart in a meaningful way.

When I or other astrologers describe a transit – like Mercury going direct or Jupiter and Uranus being conjunct – that is something we are all experiencing to different degrees and in different parts of our charts.

If the transit touches on a planet or important angle in your chart, you will feel it personally. But if it doesn’t, you may not feel it, or its impact may be lessened.

2. Your experience of the transit is intense, but it’s highly personal to your birth chart.

When Jupiter and Uranus met last week, they brought the potential for sudden change and expansion. But the way that change happens for you is highly dependent on your birth chart.

For example, if they met on your Ascendant, the conjunction will change your identity and how you see yourself. Maybe you’ll get a new opportunity that totally shifts how you think about yourself.

But if they met on your Chiron (as they did for me) they are changing how you relate to your primal wounding, creating experiences that touch on your pain and activate you to heal.

3. The way you experience the planets is unique to you.

We all have the same planets in our birth charts, but our relationship to them is very different, depending on where they are and how they relate to the other planets.

For example, if you have Jupiter and Venus conjunct in your natal chart, your beliefs (Jupiter) and relationships (Venus) are indistinguishable. So when there’s a Jupiter transit, it will always be connected to your relationships, even if it’s not hitting part of your chart that’s traditionally associated with them. Horoscopes are much more general in how they describe the planets and can’t capture those nuances.


The best way to understand how the transits impact you is to learn about your chart and your planets, as well as to learn how to pinpoint where each transit hits your chart.

I’m creating an offering to help you understand how the planetary transits impact you personally. Keep your eyes on your inbox for more info this week or hit reply if you’re interested in learning more!

🎴 This week’s tarot pull

This week, since I’m not diving into the transits like I usually do, I’m offering this tarot pull as a healing salve for whatever you’re experiencing right now.

Close your eyes, connect to your guides and your intuition.

Now, take a deep breath and pull a card.

I hope it was exactly what you needed.

Here’s to you and your intuition,


P.S. As usual, I’d love to hear from you about anything in this email. Did anything resonate? What card did you pull? Want to send love to Kumba? Hit reply and let me know.

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Hi, I’m Daniela.

I’m a tarot reader and astrologer living in Denver, Colorado with my 5 year old daughter and 2 fluffy pups

My deepest belief is that everyone is intuitive and can forge a personal relationship with the cards and the stars. I empower business owners to develop their intuition and self-trust as they navigate the turbulent waters of business ownership.

Thanks for being here.


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