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Hi Reader!

Before I share my story, I want to let you know that I’m offering a limited number of complementary 2025 Year Ahead Cosmic Clarity Calls this month.

In these 75-minute sessions, we’ll explore your deepest vision for 2025 and beyond, using your birth chart as a cosmic map to uncover both the hidden patterns that might be holding you back and the surprising gifts waiting to be unlocked.

If you already know you’re interested, click here to book your session.

And now, I want to share something vulnerable with you…

Last week, I told you about my growth journey – from the heartbroken 5th grader who wasn’t invited to a party, to the woman who could handle a potential birthday dinner exclusion with grace.

Well… I need to be honest with you. That was only part of the story.

The truth? I still have pangs of feeling like I’m not enough, people don’t like me, and I’m being left out.

I still have birthday party baggage. (Gulp.)

I’m sharing this with you because “being fully healed” isn’t a thing, and I don’t want you to think there’s something wrong with you for being human – for getting triggered, feeling afraid, and worrying that there’s something wrong with you. I’m right there in the trenches with you.

So if tarot and astrology can’t fully heal us, what’s the point?

Let me share another story from this year. Someone in my friend group threw a birthday dinner I wasn’t invited to. And yes, it hurt.

As soon as I found out, two familiar thoughts popped up:

“She doesn’t like me or see me as her friend.”


“I’m not really part of the group like the others she invited.”

Which brings me back to astrology.

Because you know what’s crazy (but not really, if you are an astrologer)?

I can see my fear of not fitting in so clearly in my birth chart.

See those green lines in the center? They’re inconjunctions – showing relationships between planets in signs that don’t understand each other at all.

Different parts of me are constantly rejecting each other, so of course I feel rejected by other people too!

Understanding these patterns hasn’t made the feelings disappear. Instead, it’s given me something more valuable: permission to love myself exactly as I am – a beautifully contradictory being who still gets triggered by birthday party exclusions (and probably always will to some extent).

This understanding changes everything about how I move forward.

As I look toward 2025 and my vision of bringing in amazing coaching clients, I could let my “not fitting in” story stop me.

Or I could see how perfect it is that someone who understands the pain of not belonging is meant to help others find their way home to themselves. That 5th grade girl isn’t a wound I need to heal – she’s the very reason I can connect so deeply with others who are learning to love their own contradictions.

What if your chart holds similar revelations? What if the very parts of you that feel wounded are actually doorways to your deepest gifts?

This month, I’m offering complementary year ahead sessions because I believe understanding the patterns in your chart now – before you set your 2025 intentions – can transform how you move forward.

Together, we’ll:

  • Create a clear vision for 2025 that aligns with your desires
  • Use your birth chart to illuminate what might be holding you back
  • Discover how your perceived challenges are actually pointing toward your unique gifts
  • Develop one practical strategy for moving forward while honoring all parts of yourself
  • Talk about working together further if it feels like a fit

Here’s what my client Tasha shared after our first session: “Daniela’s insights were remarkably accurate. Her thoughtful approach and spot-on observations helped me gain valuable perspective. She has a genuine gift for combining astrology and tarot to deliver meaningful, actionable insights.”

Understanding these patterns before you set your 2025 intentions can be the difference between creating a vision that fights against your nature and one that works with all parts of you – even the tender ones.

Click below to schedule your complementary call. 👇🏼



P.S. If this email resonated with you – if you’re tired of trying to “heal” your way to worthiness – let’s explore how your chart can help you embrace all of who you are, wounds and wisdom alike. Book your session now to secure one of the remaining spots!

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Hi, I’m Daniela.

I’m a tarot reader and astrologer living in Denver, Colorado with my 5 year old daughter and 2 fluffy pups

My deepest belief is that everyone is intuitive and can forge a personal relationship with the cards and the stars. I empower business owners to develop their intuition and self-trust as they navigate the turbulent waters of business ownership.

Thanks for being here.


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