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Do you ever wish you could have a business coach in your pocket?

That's what you get with the Entrepreneur's Arcana Notion tarot deck.

Do you wish you had a way to get intuitive guidance on your business at a moment's notice?

Let’s face it – being a business owner can be tough sometimes.

You have to make tons of decisions every day, and sometimes you just don’t know what to do.

You can ask your biz besties, but they get busy, and they don’t always know what’s best for you and your business.

You could hire a coach, but that’s expensive.

So…what do you do? 

You turn to your Notion tarot deck for business owners, aka the business coach in your pocket.

You will love this tarot deck for business owners if...

You want guidance from the universe when making your toughest business decisions.

You’re into tarot and want to apply the teachings of the cards to your business.

You’re open to intuitive guidance in your business and want a quick and easy way to get it.

Making aligned business decisions is important to you and you believe the tarot can help you do that. you want to know what's included in your brand new tarot deck for business owners? Well lemme tell you:

A page for every card in the deck with their upright and reversed meanings as they relate to running a business. 

High resolution images of all of the Rider-Waite tarot cards so you can use your intuition to understand what they mean.

A “do a pull” view that only shows the backs of the cards and shuffles them once a minute so you can do a real tarot pull (or 20).

But what's not in this tarot deck for business owners is actually the most magical thing about it.

The most magical thing is what you are going to do with it.

As you record your evolving experience with the tarot cards, add notes about when you pulled different cards and how they impacted your business, and use your Notion tarot deck for business owners to connect to your intuition each day, you will begin to treasure it as a wise guide that never leaves your side.


👇🏼Check out the walkthrough video below!👇🏼

So...are you ready to grab your new deck?

Hi, I'm Daniela.

I make Notion templates about tarot and astrology for business owners who want to run their businesses with the support of the universe. 

I’m a:

  • Tarot reader and astrologer. Gemini Sun + Scorpio Moon + Capricorn Rising = a teacher who loves to go deep and owns her own business.
  • Single mom to a 5 year old girl and 2 fluffy pups. My daughter already looooves tarot. Her favorite is the Moon card.
  • Coffee snob, foodie, and world traveler but I’m very down to earth.

I’m also someone who knows how to get people more clarity and self compassion in as little as 30 minutes with my intuitive tarot and astrology readings.

I hope you love this little tarot card deck as much as I do!

Questions? I have answers...

You’ll be redirected to a checkout page where you can purchase your deck. Once you’ve entered your payment information and hit Submit, you will get a link to download your deck. You will receive an email with a link to your deck as well. 

I created The Ultimate Digital Tarot Deck with an app called Notion. If you don’t have Notion yet, you will be prompted to join when you click the link to the deck. Once you’ve created an account, you can add the deck to your workspace by clicking the “Duplicate” button on the upper right of your screen.

Nope. You can use it for free. But you will need to sign up for an account and either download the app or use it on the web. 

Notion is an app that lets you create customized workspaces with tons of different features. There are approximately 10 million videos about it on YouTube. Watch some of them if you’re curious (but be warned you may fall down the Notion rabbit hole like I did!)


Get the Entrepreneur's Arcana

Enter your name and email below to get your copy of the Entrepreneur’s Arcana, a Notion tarot deck for business owners.