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Hi Reader!

Welcome back to the tarot reading room.

Today is the new moon in Aquarius, a perfect time to set an intention around the theme of being your authentic self while serving your community.

“Being your authentic self” feels like a cliche, so let’s break it down for a moment. To me, this means:

  • Listening to your own wisdom and intuition (even when it goes against what everyone else is saying)
  • Saying yes to your needs and desires (even if they’re inconvenient to others)
  • Expressing yourself and trusting your voice (even when the inner critic keeps telling you you’re wrong)

As you can see, being your authentic self is no easy task, especially within the context of the wider community. However, it is now more important than ever to take the risk. And you can do it!

Before pulling a card, hold this question in your heart and mind:

“Which card wants to support me in being my true self this week?”

Then take a breath, connect to your intuition, and click on a card.

Which card did you choose? Did it resonate with you? Hit Reply and let me know!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy this new moon and the lunar new year.



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Hi, I’m Daniela.

I’m a tarot reader and astrologer living in Denver, Colorado with my 5 year old daughter and 2 fluffy pups

My deepest belief is that everyone is intuitive and can forge a personal relationship with the cards and the stars. I empower business owners to develop their intuition and self-trust as they navigate the turbulent waters of business ownership.

Thanks for being here.


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